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The Baby Steps of Healing

by Randi Bryant-Brown

The Challenge: Each of us has a variety of things in our lives we are healing from. Things such as our own choices, behaviors, childhoods, and mistakes. The healing process is work. Work that, I'm going, to be honest with you here, does not end. Many times during the process we are faced with moments that make you see that there is still healing to be done. Quite possibly the moment will show you that you have healed and grown quite a bit.

The Choice: Congratulations on making the choice to do the work. The work is hard. The work is daily. I have witnessed the healing power of the work in my own life. As well as in the lives of others.

The Gift: What a gift doing life with people who are also willing to do the work. Once you make the choice to begin the work, know that attacks will come from all sides. The enemy of your soul does not want you walking around in the healing and freedom that is yours. This is one of the things your community is for. Use them for encouragement. Let them hold you accountable. Ask them to pray for you.

Baby Steps Baby steps forward are completely fine. Forward movement is the goal of healing. Baby step 1: Find a community (this one, a church, a small group at your church, a freedom ministry group, celebrate recovery...just some ideas).

Baby step 2:

Get plugged into that community. Read the materials, every small group as their own. Baby step 3: Read the materials, every small group as their own. Don't cheat, actually do the work, enrich your mind with new material.

Baby Step 4: Get a journal and dump the contents of your heart there. Baby step 5: in the presence of those who would hold you to the old you, stay silent (if you haven't it's okay. When you can stay silent. There are going to be those people who always see old, mistake-ridden you. That's okay. That is on them).

Above all of this the grace, love, and compassion you extend to others in your life dear one, extend double measures to yourself.

Love yourself through healing and wow how you will see change. The grace you are so quick to wrap around another, remember you may not deserve it, but that is the whole point. You deserve your own compassion.

Randi Bryant Jeweler, Coach, Cancer Survivor Snapchat: create_mickyann Twitter: createmickyann

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